Prof Irina Larina

Physiology at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA

Dr. Irina Larina is a Professor at the Department of Integrative Physiology at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA.  Her research integrates technological advancement in biophotonics with genetic mouse models to investigate developmental mechanisms and reproductive function. Dr. Larina received a Master’s degree in Physics from the Saratov State University, Russia, PhD degree in Physiology and Biophysics and Bioengineering from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, and completed postdoctoral training at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Dr. Larina is a recipient of numerous honors including the recent 2022 Michael E. DeBakey, M.D. Excellence in Research Award. Dr. Larina is a Fellow of the OPTICA Society and a Senior Member of the SPIE Society. She serves as an Editor for Scientific Reposts, a Topical Editor in biomedical optics for JOSA A, an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physiology, and an Editor-in-Chief for Translational Biophotonics.