Conception to Classroom:
Strategies and Solutions for Teaching Reproduction in Higher Education

Date: Saturday 9th November
Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Location: Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS) building, University of Adelaide
Room 3066, Level 3, 4 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

This inaugural satellite meeting will be hosted by the SRB Education Special Interest Group (SRB EdSIG) but is open to all delegates planning to attend the ESA-SRB-ANZBMS meeting. Come along to hear about the latest pedagogical strategies in teaching reproduction and to network and share experiences with others balancing the demands of teaching and research.

We invite submission of abstracts on innovations or interventions relevant to the teaching of reproduction, developmental biology or endocrinology. Also, broader scholarship of teaching and learning projects with potential application to teaching in these disciplines. Poster presentations will be incorporated into the poster session at the main meeting while those abstracts selected for oral presentations (10 mins + 5 mins for questions) will present at the satellite meeting.

This meeting will be held before the main conference on Saturday 9th November from 1:30-3:30pm at the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS) building, University of Adelaide. This is just a 5-min walk from the main conference venue. There will also be a casual dinner organised (self-funded) from 6pm to continue conversations from the afternoon session (details TBD). Please indicate at registration whether you plan to attend just the satellite meeting or meeting + dinner.


Program themes, topics and timings will be announced shortly. Stay posted for details.